Sunday, March 27, 2011

My Best Contract is with Rockland Web Design!

Rockland Web Design is an excellent company for building and creating websites.  I am so happy to be part of this team.  It is like a smaller GODADDY type company for purchasing hosting, domains etc.  I started with them at the end of January 2010 and have already grown with lots of experience and enjoyment within the field of web design (Information Technology).  I have many years working in IT through Banking and Brokerage in Manhattan on Wall Street and Midtown.  I was always an Administrator for VPs of Systems and have developed such interesting knowledge and skills in coding and maintenance for different programming languages such as RPG, Cobol and now html.  I have always increased my knowledge base in IT because it interests me as well as technology keeps on changing.  I am now learning to work in the web based market because for years I used mainframe systems.  I find both to be fascinating, but I do use the web for just about everything today.  I am tired of just being a VIRTUAL ASSISTANT/SECRETARY.  This is the time for me to become a real Web Designer Developer.

It is such a pleasure to be part of the Rockland Web Design Team because everyone works well with each other.  Tom Ossa is the owner of Rockland Web Design.  We have been communicating with each other via email and phone for the last two years before we signed a contract together.  Now I am working with him and the other members of the team for the last two months doing web design in ways that allow me to actually build my skills in coding html, css, project management, sales and establishing new business relationships.  I also introduced Tom to a friend of mine that is a Graphic Designer because I felt that both people would enjoy working with each other and the skill set is right for what we need in Rockland Web Design.  I was right!  They like each other and our luncheon or meeting is going to be in April to finalize a contract with Dovid K., Tamotion.

My future goal for Rockland Web Design is to enable me to become a partner of the company in order for me to work directly with Tom on the same level.  I am much more interested in Project Management because I love doing web design myself.  I enjoy creating sites, maintaining them, adding SEO and content etc.  I appreciate that Tom does the marketing, but yes I can definitely keep introducing him to business people that will lead him to better business deals than he already has.  I will keep learning as we work with each other and definitely keep building Rockland Web Design.  Perhaps some day we can call the company Ossa & Schwartz Web Design, which will enable our business to offer services globally and expand beyond Rockland County.

Rockland Web Design is an excellent company!  Now it is time to build a Web Design community to reach out to all kinds of people.

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